Error Code

CODE Error Code Table

Error CodeMessage value/description description
-1GlobalLogin failed/App_ID or App_KEY is invalid
-2GlobalLogin failed/connection to Migratory Bird server timed out [curl status code]
-3GlobalCurrent login account package has expired
-5GlobalLogin_ServerError / Server access error
-6GlobalLogin_MbSvrError / Failed to start mbservice
-7GlobalLogin_Uping / There's still an upload going on. You can't log in until it's finished.
-8GlobalLogin_Occupy / The login has been occupied by another instance
-9GlobalData synchronization failure: Timeout
-10GlobalData processing failure: failure to load due to data corruption
-11GlobalData processing failure: current directory has no write permission, directory location
-12GlobalLogin failed/App_ID is online
-13GlobalFailed to delete environment
-14GlobalFailed to import COOKIE: COOKIE format is invalid
-15GlobalCOOKIE export failed: COOKIE content is empty
-101Create/Update EnvironmentFailed to create/update environment: environment name is too long
-102Create/Update EnvironmentFailed to create/update environment: Environment description is too long
-103Create/Update EnvironmentFailed to create/update environment: Group does not exist
-104Create/Update EnvironmentFailed to create/update environment: proxy server filling value is not valid
-105Create/Update EnvironmentFailed to create/update environment: agent detection failed, invalid agent
-106Create/Update EnvironmentFailed to create/update environment: Failed to initialize time zone
-107Create/Update EnvironmentFailed to create/update environment: Incorrect operating system name
-108Create/Update EnvironmentFailed to create/update environment: Incorrect environment resolution
-109Create/Update EnvironmentFailed to create/update environment: Valid values for USERAGENT were not filled
-110Create/Update EnvironmentFailed to create/update environment: environment default language not filled in valid values
-111Create/Update EnvironmentEnvironment creation/update failed: FingerPrint_Setting filling value is illegal
-112Create/Update EnvironmentFailed to create/update environment: the contents of the COOKIE file are not legal to import
-10000GlobalUnknown exception

Status Error Code Table

Error CodeDescriptive description
-1Failed to initialize data
-2Failed to start browser kernel
-3Current browser environment: plug-in download failed
-4Current browser environment: plug-in loading failure
-5Current browser environment: Automated script download failed
-6Current browser environment: Automated script loading failure
-7Current browser environment: Running
-8Current browser environment: Already joined the run queue
-9Current browser environment: CDP initialization failed
-10Current browser environment: Service initialization failed
-11Current browser environment: CD listener failed
-12Current browser environment: DP exits
-13Current Browser environment: Connection failed
-14Current browser environment: Initialization environment failed
-15Current browser environment: GetShortPathName failed
-16Current browser environment: Memory allocation failed
-17Current Browser environment: Log in and Out
-18Current browser environment: No response message received
-19Current browser environment: Failed to close
-20Headless open item cannot be closed with stop, recommended to close with kill
-21Current Browser environment: Forced shutdown failed
-22Specified environment SessionId not found
-5010The POST string request to API SERVER URL address is illegal, or there are illegal characters present in the target API URL of the request
-10000Unknown error